1 Peter 2:5-9 (NLT) - 5 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his HOLY priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a HOLY nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
- Think separate, not same
- Israel was separated from the world - The rest of the world were Gentiles.
- 2 Corinthians 6:16–18 (NLT) — 16 And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 17 Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. 18 And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty.”
- Think impact, not isolation
- Inner Holiness
- Impactful Holiness
- Holiness is available, not avoidable
- 1 Peter 1:13–19 (NLT) — 13 So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. 14 So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. 15 But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. 16 For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” 17 And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as “temporary residents.” 18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. 19 It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
- Why be holy?
- He’s asked you to (OBEY)
- To reflect Him (REFLECT)
- He will judge (FEAR)
- He paid a high price. (RESPONSE)
Five-steps to walking in Holiness:
- Repent
- Be Baptized
- Receive the Holy Spirit
- Obey Him
- Flee Sin