January 2023

Receiving John’s Sermon

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 1, 2023

God's the answer to all that lies ahead. Let your pursuit of Him determine what's to come.



Receiving New Life

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 8, 2023

Discover new life once you realize the need, source, and reason for new birth.


Jesus Salvation

Receiving Rescue

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 15, 2023

Christ offers us a complete life in Him because He rescues us in these five areas.


Jesus Salvation

Receiving Blessing

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 22, 2023

Understand how the disposition of your heart determines your future.


Jesus the Healer

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 29, 2023

Let your faith see that it’s God’s will for our bodies to be healed.


Faith Healing Jesus

February 2023

Be Real

Pastor Wayne Brown • Feb 12, 2023

God is looking for people who lead authentic lives in Him, not those that put on a religious performance.

Passports and Passages

A Fresh Outpouring

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Feb 19, 2023

Something is shifting in the world as people hunger for the presence of God. During this service, the Holy Spirit broke out in the congregation and the hearts of many were moved to repentance as we continued to worship and cry out to Jesus when Pastor Jonathan took the stage.

Passports and Passages

The Power of Private Devotion

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Feb 26, 2023

What we do for God when we’re alone will make an immeasurable impact when our focus remains solely on Him.

Passports and Passages

Prayer Devotion

March 2023

The Forecast of the Kingdom

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 12, 2023

What’s to come has always been, and will always be, the sovereignty of God.

Passports and Passages

Kingdom of God

Don't Waste Your Life

Eli Bonilla • Mar 19, 2023

This life is not ours but we are called to steward it as if we are its rightful owner.

Passports and Passages


Come And See

Dr. Billy Wilson • Mar 26, 2023

It's time to see ourselves as God does, not how we think others see us.

Passports and Passages

April 2023

Under Pressure

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 2, 2023

Pressure doesn't determine what we are but it reveals what's inside of us.

Passports and Passages

Three Red Letter Questions

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 9, 2023

The Resurrected Christ revealed his character by asking these simple questions.

Passports and Passages


Immutable Laws of Revival

Pastor William McDowell • Apr 30, 2023

Be awakened to all that God wants to do and what is required of us.

Passports and Passages


May 2023

Flourish or Fade

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 7, 2023

Understand the decisions of the righteous that lead to blessing.

Psalms of Summer
