May 2021

We Will Enter The Land

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 23, 2021

We must never go into new territory without giving God gratitude. Before we take territory we must first get rid of all shame and guilt. But when we enter the land, there is victory!

Out of the Cave

Pastor Chris Hodges • May 30, 2021

Depression isn‘t who you are; it‘s a signal of where you‘re at. Learn to identify these 6 areas where depression can take root in your life.

June 2021

It‘s Worth The Wait

Herbert Cooper • Jun 6, 2021

Waiting is inevitable. Learn how to wait with wisdom as your season of planting and watering becomes a season of harvest.

Don‘t Judge Me

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jun 13, 2021

How do you steward what you believe, possess, and love? One day, we all will answer to Jesus for our actions, the one true judge.

The Real Jesus


Renew Your Strength

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jun 20, 2021

There is no end when you renew yourself in God. Experience Him fully as you wait for, look to, and trust in the Lord.

Fourth Day Freedom

Dustin West • Jun 27, 2021

Life begins once you’re spiritually free! Step into the freedom today that Jesus has already paid for!

July 2021

My Upward Calling

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 4, 2021

God calls each of us to know Him more intimately as we set our sights upon living out our eternal purpose.

Up, In, and Out

Evangelism Jesus Purpose

Leaning IN to God‘s Family

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 11, 2021

Christ desires that as we follow Him, we experience unity with the family of believers around us.

Up, In, and Out

Jesus Devotion

Take OUT Gospel

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 18, 2021

When we receive the message of Jesus, we are called to take it with us everywhere we go. How are you carrying Christ into the world around you?

Up, In, and Out

Jesus Evangelism

August 2021

Built on the Holy Spirit

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 1, 2021

A faith built upon the Holy Spirit empowers us to continue the work that Christ began. Experience everything that God has for you when you‘re hungry for Him to move!

A Great House

The Holy Spirit

A Heart for Global Missions

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 8, 2021

Each of us is called to reach the world for Christ. Our generation is the only hope for taking the Gospel to the world today.

A Great House


The Right time is Now

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 15, 2021

We can only fulfill what God has appointed for us when, in faith, we step out to pursue what He's specifically created us to achieve for Him.

A House Built on Prayer

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 22, 2021

Prayer is much more than a spiritual activity. Our power is made possible through our constant connection with God.  

A Great House

Devotion Prayer

War of Words

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Aug 29, 2021

There’s power in our words because they’re a reflection of what we believe. Let’s declare that nothing can stand against our God!

September 2021

Why We Serve

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 5, 2021

Serving others demonstrates Christ’s love for all people, and it follows the example that Jesus set for us.

From Crowd to Community

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 12, 2021

God created us for connection with one another, living out our faith together. Discover your place when you step out from the crowd and have people that know the real you.

A Great House

Accountability Community

A House Built on Worship

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 19, 2021

Worship is much more than singing a song. Understand everything that our worship does as we enter into His presence.

A Great House

Devotion Worship

A House Built on the Word

Pastor Wayne Brown • Sep 26, 2021

The Bible is much more than a book. Experience all that God’s Word has for you when you make reading it a part of your life. 

A Great House


October 2021

A Church Built on Discipleship

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Oct 3, 2021

Jesus called us to “go and make disciples.” As Christians, everything that we do is to help others follow Jesus. 

A Great House


A House Built for Generations

Jon Torres • Oct 10, 2021

The next generation is the future of the Church. Now is the time to equip and support the leaders of tomorrow.

A Great House
