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Small pet beagles, Family Labrador Retriever, German Shepherds therapy dogs, EMS Emotional Support Dogs, service dogs, x-small beagles, perfect house pets, #1 recommend pet for kids, chocolate beagles, lemon beagles, blue tick beagles, traditional tri-colored beagles, Louisiana beagles. White English Lab pups, yellow Labrador pups, black Labs, white Labs, chocolate labs, block head labs, canoe labs, American labs, British labs, laid back labs, family labs, pet labs, hunting labs, therapy labs, ministry labs, best in the world! German Shepherd Pups, guard dogs, black police German Shepherd Pups, East European war dogs, sables, blacks, blk & tans, Companion Dog Excellent type, ministry shepherd, hospital dogs, watch dog for the house, for the family, West German type, all type GSD, farm type shepherd dogs. Read the About Us Story on our website! 35 years in operation five star reviews!